Poem of the Week: Øyvind Rimbereid – Crocus



April strewn across the world-grass
already greener than the green month of May
while the silence is being painted on an Easter egg
behind the white Scandinavian fence
where no climate devils
no infarct
or plunging shares
are found in a hundred-hour radius.
But only this first
this youngest
this eager crocus, that balances
such a damaged hope
on its branched style
Like arrogant Idunn
on her way out of the dark
with threaded apples
provisions for the light.



April strødd utover verdensgraset
allerede grønnere enn mai du grønne
mens stillheten blir malt på et påskeegg
bak det hvite, skandinaviske gjerdet
der ingen klimajævler
ingen infarkt
eller aksjefall
finnes i hundre timers radius.
Men bare denne første
denne yngste
denne ivrige
krokusen, som balanserer
et så skadet håp
på sin greinete griffel.
Lik overmodige Idunn
på vei ut av mørket
med epler i en tråd,
proviant til lyset.

From Øyvind Rimbereid (1966), Herbarium, Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, Oslo 2008.

Translated by May-Brit Akerholt.

Poem of the Week. 52 poems throughout the year

Take part in a weekly journey through 52 poems by authors from Norway throughout 2019 – Norway’s year as Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair.

From the time when the earliest texts were recorded in runic inscriptions, poetry has had a strong position in Norway. By introducing a new poem each week throughout 2019, we aim to highlight the quality and breadth of Norwegian poetry. «Poem of the Week» presents 52 poems, inspired by the changing seasons and the passing of the year. The selection has been made by Tone Carlsen and Annette Vonberg, and consists of poems from the earliest handwritten manuscripts up until today, with a special emphasis on contemporary poetry.

You can find all poems in this series here. Read more about Norway as Guest of Honour at Frankfurt Book Fair here.